Yesterday was a happy day: of euphoria and satisfaction, of longing for the past and for all those who have accompanied us, starting with our founder, Pasquale Meli, and for those who still accompany us on this journey of years of work and who are part of this great family and this dream: our employees, customers, collaborators... Also of pride for a new goal reached that does nothing but stimulate us to continue, to give us drive and strength to give wings, once again, to our future goals.
SEVASA won the Teruel 2024 Company Award in the Internationalization category. An award that comes in a very significant year for us, our fortieth anniversary. Our first production saw the light on June 13, 1984, just a few months after the birth of the company, almost as if it were the crowning of a trajectory in which things have not always been easy, but in which we have constantly surpassed ourselves, strengthened by the conviction that we had the dream, the excellent product, the extraordinary people and the unbreakable will to go ahead.
The Teruel 2024 Business Awards recognize companies that have demonstrated excellence in various areas, such as innovation, sustainability and internationalization. These awards seek to highlight and celebrate the effort, creativity and positive impact of companies in the region.
We are especially honored to be one of them!
The Internationalization award recognizes the companies which have managed to expand their presence beyond the national borders, taking their products and services to the global market and contributing to the economic development of Teruel.SEVASA currently exports 75 % of its production all over the world and contributes with its activities to the wealth and safeguarding of the territory which hosts it: its people, economy and landscapes.
We can only be grateful to the jury and all those who vertebrate the territory: neighbors, businessmen, authorities, because in this land we feel welcome and happy. We have found here the breeding ground to unleash the goals of the next 40 years at least, leading a sector, the satin glass, and the hand of our family and some people and professionals, those of Calanda and, extensively, those of Aragon, noble and hardworking, with whom we are sure this will be just one of the many happy days we will see our stay in this land.
Thank you!
#PTeruel2024 Business Award #SEVASA #SEVASASatinGlassWorld #SatinGlassWorld #40th Anniversary #Aragón #ExcellenceBusiness #Teruel #Calanda #Orgullo #PInternationalization2024 Award #SEVASatinGlassWorld #SatinGlassWorld #40th Anniversary #Aragón #ExcellenciaEmpresarial #Teruel #Calanda #Orgullo #Praud Award2024
Thanks to
TechnoPark MotorLand
Aragonese Development Institute
Gobierno de Aragón - Government of Aragon
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Teruel
CEOE Aragón
and to the Digital Newspaper "La Comarcade Alcañíz" for the attached video.