Product and Corporate Certifications
As an architectural material, glass is governed by international standards and regulations. SEVASA demands the highest accreditation from its suppliers for the raw materials and products, ensuring their compliance with these regulations, as well as guaranteeing homogeneity and maintenance of quality over time and across different deliveries.
Once the glass is transformed, SEVASA certifies and guarantees the final delivered product, both in terms of supplier warranties and the production, characteristics, and technical performance of the etched products.
These procedures are constantly evolving. Due to their dynamic nature, we recommend contacting SEVASA directly to specify the applicable standards and certifications according to the project and product..
- Float glass standard UNE-EN 572-2
- Mirror standard UNE EN 1036 for quality and corrosion resistance in silver-coated glass for indoor use.
- CE Mark
- ...among others (seek help from SEVASA)
- UNE-EN 12633 (Pendulum Method), Class 1, 2 and 3 (Rd >45)
- DIN 51130 (Ramp-Shoe Foot Method), R9 to R13
- DIN 51097 (Ramp-Barefoot Method), Class A, B and C
- UL 410 - Slip Resistance of Floor Surface Materials
- ASTM C 1028 - Static Coefficient of Friction
- ANSI A137.1:2017 Dynamic Coefficient of Friction
- ...among others (seek help from SEVASA)
More information on anti-slip certifications of CriSamar®STEP and LuxRaff® glass.
- MOHS EN 101:91
- DIN EN ISO 10545-6 Deep abrasion resistance
What does SEVASA's MOHS Certificate of Antiscratch and CriSamar STEP® glasses mean?
SEVASA TECHNOLOGICS' interest in Quality and adaptation to international Standards has been demonstrated throughout its years of experience in the industrial sector of acid-etched satin glass, obtaining the ISO 14001 Environmental and ISO 9001 Quality Certificates.
Certificate 14001 Environmental Management SEVASA TECHNOLOGICS